All of our recommendations are firmly grounded in the latest research.
Everyone’s journey to parenthood is unique. We welcome and respect all families.
We provide trusted information throughout your journey, the safest and healthiest options to parents without judgment.
I am a mom of two lovely boys, during the birth of my children I had a mixed bag of experiences, from feeling being empowered to postpartum depression. I started taking interest on each and every change that was happening within my body. I came across so many myths and realities and the reason behind do’s and don’t. My own journey of childbirth and parenting led me to search for the answers and gradually I started helping other women in my family and my friends in their pregnancy.
We all want to eat natural and organic food and drink water available in the nature or do Yoga but due to lack of information we are frightened to live naturally. There are so many physiological changes happening in the body right from first day of conception. The organs inside gives space to growing baby inside and many more changes happens during pregnancy.
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Congratulations on your pregnancy!
Welcome to the start of an incredible journey that marks a new place in your life—and the beginning of a new one! You’re likely experiencing many emotions, from excitement and anticipation to nervousness and trepidation.
Choosing a Childbirth Class
Connect with pregnancy2birth and get answers for one of the most important journeys of your life.
Taking Care of Your Body
Embrace the new body you share with your baby.That shape’s a little harder to define.
Food For Thought
A healthy diet during pregnancy will help ensure a healthy start for your baby.
7 Healthy Pregnancy Tips
Body Change
Learn as much as possible about the wonderful ways that your body is changing and about how your baby is growing. Talk to your mother, your friends, and other women about pregnancy, labor and birth. Attend an early pregnancy childbirth class, read books and watch videos about normal pregnancy and childbirth.
Choose healthcare provider
Think about whether you want to give birth at a hospital, at a birthing center or at home. Choose a health care provider who will be able to assist you in your chosen location and who helps build your confidence for pregnancy and childbirth.
Eat a well-balanced diet
Paying attention to the recommendations by the Indian Department of Agriculture. Make your plate colorful—eating lots of vegetables and fruits every day. Eat fish three times a week for your baby's brain growth and development. Drink lots of water—six to ten glasses a day—and choose (real) fruit juices and skim milk instead of sodas.
What not to do
Avoid substances that may be dangerous for you and your baby, such as cigarettes, alcohol and street drugs. Do not take any medications, even over-the-counter medications, unless you have discussed them with your health care provider.
Regular exercise and Prenatal Yoga
Stay active! Continue exercise programs that you were doing before you became pregnant according to the recommendations of your health care provider. If you were not exercising before becoming pregnant, consider walking, swimming, prenatal exercise or prenatal dance classes. Regular, moderate exercise makes labor shorter and less painful and decreases the risk for cesarean surgery.
Managing Stress
Manage the stress in your life. Keep communication open with your partner. Build your support system. Learn and practice meditation. Take a prenatal yoga class. Learn stress management techniques such as slow, deep breathing and other relaxation strategies in Lamaze childbirth education classes.
Enjoy your pregnancy
Enjoy this special time in your life! Your family and friends can help make the most of this wonderful transition. Have confidence in your body's ability to grow, nourish and give birth to this baby as women have done for centuries.